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Complex Numbers to Solve Equations

By making use of the imaginary number i we can solve equations that involve the square roots of negative numbers.

Complex numbers enable us to solve equations that we wouldn't be able to otherwise solve. Examine the following example:

$ x^2 = -11 \\ x = \sqrt{ \red - 11} \\ \sqrt{ 11 \cdot \red - 1} = \sqrt{11} \cdot i \\ i \sqrt{11} $

Without the ability to take the square root of a negative number we would not be able to solve these kinds of problems.

Practice ProblemsSolving Equations

Problem 1

Use imaginary numbers to solve this practice equation:

X2 = - 13

Practice Problem 1
Problem 2

Use imaginary numbers to solve this practice equation:

X2 = - 19

Practice Problem 2
Problem 3

Use imaginary numbers to solve this practice equation:

X2 = - 36

Practice Problem 3
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