press Tangent, secants, their arcs, and angles-- Explore Formula with out interactive demonstration
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Tangents, Secants, Arcs and Angles Demonstration

Drag the points to explore the formula for the angle form ed by tangents/secants intersecting outside a circle. Full lesson here.
Interactive app
$$ \overparen{\rm Far} = \class{data-angle-0}{35.92} \\ \overparen{\rm Near} = \class{data-angle-1}{89.84} \\ \angle{Outer} = \frac{\overparen{\rm Far} - \overparen{\rm Near}}{2} \\ = \frac{\class{data-angle-0}{035.92} - \class{data-angle-1}{89.84}}{2} \\ = \class{data-angle-outer}{26.96} ^{\circ} $$
Drag Points To Start Demonstration
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