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Sine Cosine Tangent Chart

Every value for each degree

This table provides the decimal approximation for each angle from 0° through 90°.

Angle Sine Cosine Tangent
0 1 0
0.01745 0.99985 0.01746
0.03490 0.99939 0.03492
0.05234 0.99863 0.05241
0.06976 0.99756 0.06993
0.08716 0.99619 0.08749
0.10453 0.99452 0.10510
0.12187 0.99255 0.12278
0.13917 0.99027 0.14054
0.15643 0.98769 0.15838
10° 0.17365 0.98481 0.17633
11° 0.19081 0.98163 0.19438
12° 0.20791 0.97815 0.21256
13° 0.22495 0.97437 0.23087
14° 0.24192 0.97030 0.24933
15° 0.25882 0.96593 0.26795
Angle Sine Cosine Tangent
16° 0.27564 0.96126 0.28675
17° 0.29237 0.95630 0.30573
18° 0.30902 0.95106 0.32492
19° 0.32557 0.94552 0.34433
20° 0.34202 0.93969 0.36397
21° 0.35837 0.93358 0.38386
22° 0.37461 0.92718 0.40403
23° 0.39073 0.92050 0.42447
24° 0.40674 0.91355 0.44523
25° 0.42262 0.90631 0.46631
26° 0.43837 0.89879 0.48773
27° 0.45399 0.89101 0.50953
28° 0.46947 0.88295 0.53171
29° 0.48481 0.87462 0.55431
30° 0.5 or 1/2 0.86603 or root(3)/2 0.57735 or root(3)/3
Angle Sine Cosine Tangent
31° 0.51504 0.85717 0.60086
32° 0.52992 0.84805 0.62487
33° 0.54464 0.83867 0.64941
34° 0.55919 0.82904 0.67451
35° 0.57358 0.81915 0.70021
36° 0.58779 0.80902 0.72654
37° 0.60182 0.79864 0.75355
38° 0.61566 0.78801 0.78129
39° 0.62932 0.77715 0.80978
40° 0.64279 0.76604 0.83910
41° 0.65606 0.75471 0.86929
42° 0.66913 0.74314 0.90040
43° 0.68200 0.73135 0.93252
44° 0.69466 0.71934 0.96569
45° 0.70711 or root(2)/2 0.70711 or root(2)/2 1
Angle Sine Cosine Tangent
46° 0.71934 0.69466 1.03553
47° 0.73135 0.68200 1.07237
48° 0.74314 0.66913 1.11061
49° 0.75471 0.65606 1.15037
50° 0.76604 0.64279 1.19175
51° 0.77715 0.62932 1.23490
52° 0.78801 0.61566 1.27994
53° 0.79864 0.60182 1.32704
54° 0.80902 0.58779 1.37638
55° 0.81915 0.57358 1.42815
56° 0.82904 0.55919 1.48256
57° 0.83867 0.54464 1.53986
58° 0.84805 0.52992 1.60033
59° 0.85717 0.51504 1.66428
60° 0.86603 or root(3)/2 0.5 or 1/2 1.73205 or root(3)
Angle Sine Cosine Tangent
61° 0.87462 0.48481 1.80405
62° 0.88295 0.46947 1.88073
63° 0.89101 0.45399 1.96261
64° 0.89879 0.43837 2.05030
65° 0.90631 0.42262 2.14451
66° 0.91355 0.40674 2.24604
67° 0.92050 0.39073 2.35585
68° 0.92718 0.37461 2.47509
69° 0.93358 0.35837 2.60509
70° 0.93969 0.34202 2.74748
71° 0.94552 0.32557 2.90421
72° 0.95106 0.30902 3.07768
73° 0.95630 0.29237 3.27085
74° 0.96126 0.27564 3.48741
75° 0.96593 0.25882 3.73205
Angle Sine Cosine Tangent
76° 0.97030 0.24192 4.01078
77° 0.97437 0.22495 4.33148
78° 0.97815 0.20791 4.70463
79° 0.98163 0.19081 5.14455
80° 0.98481 0.17365 5.67128
81° 0.98769 0.15643 6.31375
82° 0.99027 0.13917 7.11537
83° 0.99255 0.12187 8.14435
84° 0.99452 0.10453 9.51436
85° 0.99619 0.08716 11.43005
86° 0.99756 0.06976 14.30067
87° 0.99863 0.05234 19.08114
88° 0.99939 0.03490 28.63625
89° 0.99985 0.01745 57.28996
90° 1 0 Undefined
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