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What are the multiples of 728 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 728 are:

728, 1456, 2184, 2912, 3640, 4368, 5096, 5824, 6552, 7280, 8008, 8736, 9464, 10192, 10920, 11648, 12376, 13104, 13832, 14560, 15288, 16016, 16744, 17472, 18200, 18928, 19656, 20384, 21112, 21840, 22568, 23296, 24024, 24752, 25480, 26208, 26936, 27664, 28392, 29120, 29848, 30576, 31304, 32032, 32760, 33488, 34216, 34944, 35672

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