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What are the multiples of 6006 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 6006 are:

6006, 12012, 18018, 24024, 30030, 36036, 42042, 48048, 54054, 60060, 66066, 72072, 78078, 84084, 90090, 96096, 102102, 108108, 114114, 120120, 126126, 132132, 138138, 144144, 150150, 156156, 162162, 168168, 174174, 180180, 186186, 192192, 198198, 204204, 210210, 216216, 222222, 228228, 234234, 240240, 246246, 252252, 258258, 264264, 270270, 276276, 282282, 288288, 294294

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