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What are the multiples of 4152 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4152 are:

4152, 8304, 12456, 16608, 20760, 24912, 29064, 33216, 37368, 41520, 45672, 49824, 53976, 58128, 62280, 66432, 70584, 74736, 78888, 83040, 87192, 91344, 95496, 99648, 103800, 107952, 112104, 116256, 120408, 124560, 128712, 132864, 137016, 141168, 145320, 149472, 153624, 157776, 161928, 166080, 170232, 174384, 178536, 182688, 186840, 190992, 195144, 199296, 203448

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