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What are the multiples of 3072 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3072 are:

3072, 6144, 9216, 12288, 15360, 18432, 21504, 24576, 27648, 30720, 33792, 36864, 39936, 43008, 46080, 49152, 52224, 55296, 58368, 61440, 64512, 67584, 70656, 73728, 76800, 79872, 82944, 86016, 89088, 92160, 95232, 98304, 101376, 104448, 107520, 110592, 113664, 116736, 119808, 122880, 125952, 129024, 132096, 135168, 138240, 141312, 144384, 147456, 150528

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