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What are the multiples of 1401 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 1401 are:

1401, 2802, 4203, 5604, 7005, 8406, 9807, 11208, 12609, 14010, 15411, 16812, 18213, 19614, 21015, 22416, 23817, 25218, 26619, 28020, 29421, 30822, 32223, 33624, 35025, 36426, 37827, 39228, 40629, 42030, 43431, 44832, 46233, 47634, 49035, 50436, 51837, 53238, 54639, 56040, 57441, 58842, 60243, 61644, 63045, 64446, 65847, 67248, 68649

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