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What are the multiples of 1059 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 1059 are:

1059, 2118, 3177, 4236, 5295, 6354, 7413, 8472, 9531, 10590, 11649, 12708, 13767, 14826, 15885, 16944, 18003, 19062, 20121, 21180, 22239, 23298, 24357, 25416, 26475, 27534, 28593, 29652, 30711, 31770, 32829, 33888, 34947, 36006, 37065, 38124, 39183, 40242, 41301, 42360, 43419, 44478, 45537, 46596, 47655, 48714, 49773, 50832, 51891

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