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What are the multiples of 1036 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 1036 are:

1036, 2072, 3108, 4144, 5180, 6216, 7252, 8288, 9324, 10360, 11396, 12432, 13468, 14504, 15540, 16576, 17612, 18648, 19684, 20720, 21756, 22792, 23828, 24864, 25900, 26936, 27972, 29008, 30044, 31080, 32116, 33152, 34188, 35224, 36260, 37296, 38332, 39368, 40404, 41440, 42476, 43512, 44548, 45584, 46620, 47656, 48692, 49728, 50764

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