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What are the multiples of 1028 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 1028 are:

1028, 2056, 3084, 4112, 5140, 6168, 7196, 8224, 9252, 10280, 11308, 12336, 13364, 14392, 15420, 16448, 17476, 18504, 19532, 20560, 21588, 22616, 23644, 24672, 25700, 26728, 27756, 28784, 29812, 30840, 31868, 32896, 33924, 34952, 35980, 37008, 38036, 39064, 40092, 41120, 42148, 43176, 44204, 45232, 46260, 47288, 48316, 49344, 50372

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